90% Of Americans Can’t Answer This Simple Citizenship Test Question, Click To See If You Can

Illegal immigration and US citizenship have been hot button issues for a long time now. US citizenship ultimately boils down to some pretty basic knowledge.

If you are not already and are looking to become a citizen of the United States, you must first pass a test, answering questions about the history of America and how the American government works. Does this imply that born and raised US citizens should already know all of these facts? It does. But do all existing US citizens, in fact, know these facts? Actually, that’s far from the case.

The Immigrant Archive Project put Americans to the test, asking them some of the most basic citizenship test questions. Sure, many Americans may have a hard time recalling functions of the different branches of government or how many amendments there are to the Constitution (many will have to channel their 5th grade history class). But perhaps one of the most surprising questions many Americans cannot answer is who the current vice president is.

Although many people “took stabs” at answers, there were as many if not more individuals who couldn’t answer many of the most basic questions.

Other questions touch on the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. US citizen already or not, just how well do you think you would do on the citizenship test?

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